"The best love is the kind that awakens the soul and makes us reach for more, that plants a fire in our hearts and brings peace to our minds. And that's what you've given me. That's what I'd hoped to give you forever."

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Well...I guess i'll try, try again...

SO...one of Cody's favorite meals is meatloaf...I was trying to be such a good wife and have it ready for him when he got home from his dreaded math class. I called my cute mama and got the recipe...I had my dry ingredient, the meat, the eggs, some mustard, some ketchup, etc...everything except onion. I was so excited, I put it all together, it smelled so delicious..set the table, and then we ate! Well...lol turns out something didn't go right! It was a GIANT MEATLOAF HAMBURGER! it had no flavor! just a big meatloaf shaped peice of ground beef! My sweet husband giggled a little then said "hunny, it's great!" as he's pulling out the bread and bbq sauce to make a big sandwich! lol then he cracked up and all he could tell me was that it'll make a good story for our kids! What the heck! So, I needed some sympathy and called my mom, she laughed and then told me her first meatloaf story...much worse than mine! Her meatloaf was green! My dad asked her what she put in it and turns out that she put 1 cup of parsley flakes in it haha...needless to say they didn't eat it:) Well, there you go my future children, your future mom's first meatloaf story! By the time you come along, I'll have it perfected!

1 comment:

  1. I am not even gonna give meatloaf a try. I'm good with taco salads haha
